Spelled Forwards and Backwards Riddle Answer

Check the answer to the riddle 'Spelled Forwards and Backwards' and enjoy the journey.

by V Gomala

Updated Sep 18, 2024

Spelled Forwards and Backwards Riddle Answer

Spelled Forwards and Backwards Riddle

There's a new riddle called 'Spelled Forwards and Backwards' Riddle that's getting a lot of attention online. Even though it might seem easy at first, it’s confusing a lot of people. They are spending a lot of time staring at their screens and keep guessing the wrong answer.

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Here is the riddle, Spelled forwards I’m what you do everyday, spelled backwards I’m something you hate. What am I?​


  • It starts with the letter L
  • It is a 4 letter word
  • It ends with the letter E

Spelled Forwards and Backwards Riddle Answer

Riddle: Spelled forwards I’m what you do everyday, spelled backwards I’m something you hate. What am I?​

Answer: Live


The riddle plays with the word "live." When you spell it forwards, "live" is something you do every day—living. When you spell it backwards, it becomes "evil," which is something most people dislike or hate. So, the answer is "live."

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